Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sissy Call Girl
At first, when my wife feminized me, I thought I would be able to continue with my current job. But, alas, even though no one explicitly told me I had to leave, the job requirements changed as I blossomed, so to speak. Now, I'm expected to provide certain, ah, special services to out of town clients when they visit. At first this was difficult for me to accept, but there are fringe benefits that make it worthwhile. And then there are the tips I receive when I've performed especially well.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Seriously Leeanne?
"Do you actually think I would permit a sissy like you to touch this goddess body?" Miss Sharon jeered.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Dinner Guest
My wife invited a colleague from work over for dinner tonight. I greeted him at the front door wearing a black satin French maid's dress. After offering him a drink, I took him to where my wife was waiting for him. Watching him from the corner of my eye, I could see he was as surprised to see my wife dressed as she was as he'd been to find her husband dressed like a sissy as he was greeted at the door. I wondered how surprised he'd be when he found out my wife was going to require me to suck his cock for her before he fucked her later.
Spying on Miss Sharon
She didn't see me spying on her. But I am so obsessed with Miss Sharon that I had to sneak in and watch her getting dressed. God! She is so beautiful! And so sexy! Look at her sexy strip of hair showing through her panties. Umm!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Sissy Appreciation Sex # 101 - For Cunny Honey
Cunny Honey, a/k/a "The Cunnilinguist," has a penchant for something sissies specialize in, so I figure Cunny Honey will appreciate what I have planned for her as a token of my appreciation for her following my blog.
Please be sure to visit her blog. Thanks Cunny Honey!
You May Look Leeanne
But you may not touch. Miss Sharon loves to torment sissy Leeanne with her hot, sexiness.
But she won't let Leeanne touch her. No. Leeanne pleases Miss Sharon in one way and one way alone.
Sucking cock.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Crawl Over Here Leeanne
Miss Sharon had just returned from a date and was in need of special attention from Sissy Leeanne. I assumed it would begin with her feet, but was hopeful, always hopeful, that it would lead to more.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Working Late
I'd had to work late. Again. My boss insisted that the report due out the following Monday had to be on his desk before I went home for the day. My wife seemed very understanding when I'd called and told her not to wait up for me. When I quietly opened our door, so as to not wake her, this was the first thing I noticed.
Then I heard the noise. I didn't want to believe it at first, though there was no mistaking my wife's grunting in sexual pleasure. Tiptoeing to our bedroom door, I slowly cracked the door and that is when I understood why my boss insisted that I work late.
And why my wife was not upset that I had to.
Cruel? Or Necessary?
Sometimes a sissy simply has to be shown tough love. When she's been locked in chastity for a month, and can't hold her sissy juices back for even minute under the toe of her mistresses heel, there has to be a consequence.
And of course, she is expected to clean up her little mess as well. Maybe next month she'll do better.
Preparing to Work a Party for Miss Sharon
Miss Sharon had strict requirements for her sissy when she was hosting a party. Not only must her sissy prepare the hors d'oeuvres and serve guests their drinks, but she also had to be prepared to provide other services, as requested by the guests, and without hesitation. Miss Sharon would not suffer foolishness from her sissy. Miss Sharon was taking sissy Leeanne through her preliminary walk-through now.
Playboy Bunny Class
First year girls could not sign up for this elective. It was reserved for third years. And it was, by far, the most popular last year class for sissies at the Vera Wang Institute for Male Modification, a/k/a "Sissy School." There was only enough room for a few girls, and auditions were required before admittance. None of the sissies who were accepted ever revealed what they'd done during their auditions to be accepted.
But you can imagine the rumors.
Miss Sharon Wet Dream
Last night I woke in the middle of an intense dream, soaking wet. In my dream, Miss Sharon made love to me like one of her girlfriends. It was short-lived pleasure though, as I soon realized that she would never permit a sissy such intimacy.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Sometimes my wife likes to go out clubbing with me. She usually ends up dancing with lots of guys. And if she likes one, she'll take him into a back alley and let him have her. So that she doesn't have to leave right away (because of the cum dripping from her), I'll go out back after each guy returns to the club and clean her.
On some nights this can happen several times.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Not An Elective
At many schools for sissies, teaching sissies how to share a cock is an elective. But at the Vera Wang Institute for Male Modification, a/k/a "Sissy School," such deportment is considered a mandatory requirement. Wives should be able to expect their sissies to work together if friends loan their sissy husbands to each other for special occasions.