Monday, September 19, 2016

Quarterback Tease

Quarterback saw this on my Tumblr blog today and texted me to post here.  He said it gave him an idea for this weekend when he visits us.  The only question he said was whether it would be me.  Or my cheerleader.


  1. Hi Leeanne,
    You post when Tom is coming for weekend - fine, although its approx once every 3 or 4 weeks. Why do you not blog when Cheerleader is meeting other guys ?? Would be nice to read about !! Tom is not Cheerleaders only man.

    Love Tanya xxxx

    1. Dear Tanya,

      You are correct sweetie. I will post about the others, unless I am instructed not to by my cheerleader or her quarterback. Remember though, her other men do not know about my blog.



  2. tesoro se il tuo fine settimana si presenta così sexy e lussurioso pieno di fantasie erotiche allora amore stacca il telefono e chiuditi in casa per 48 ore di puro amore di puro divertimento di pura gioia carnale che riempie anima...e corpo !! divertiti amore anche per me baci baci baci

  3. i'm guessing it's you! ~s
