Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Maiden Voyage

It was a big day for the three newest sissy stewardesses. The fledging airline, Fly The Sissy Skies, had become very popular, no doubt the result of the skimpy attire the sissies were required to wear in flight, but also due to the, ah, "special services" provided to all the passengers, male and female alike. Today, sissies Leeanne, Kaaren and terri were the main flight crew and the girls were so excited that they'd been selected from their class to fly together. And the best thing? They were all sharing a room at the hotels they'd be staying at during this trip. It looks like sissy terri is going to need some help with her suitcase, so Leeanne will have to help her sweet girlfriend out with that. It doesn't appear Kaaren will be much help, since she's all posing for the camera and all.


  1. Make sure all the male passengers are in an upright position Leeanne! Talk about flying the friendly skies!

    PS. I've got a new Leeanne caption coming down the pike within the next week or so.

    1. Oh goody! I'm so excited! And don't be concerned, we'll make sure the male passengers are treated with the utmost care and respect. We want them to be happy with our services, especially the ones who paid extra for their tickets for the privilege of entering the "back door."



  2. bella ed esperta Leeanne pensi che con un poco di tirocinio io possa aspirare a divenire sissy-hostess anch'io ti prego dammi un giudizio spassionato...cosa mi manca per diventar come loro!? grazie e baci baci sono molto generosa e servizievole!! grazie mia musa.

    1. Non ho dubbi che vuoi essere perfetto . Tutto ciò che è necessario è una natura sottomessa e sempre essere pronti a predisporre tutte le forme di piacere ai passeggeri

  3. I'm just taking a little break for goodness sakes....I just finished all the pre-flight prep with the flight know I had no idea how big the flight crew actually was...if I didn't know better I'd think that some of those guys may not have been pilots....I don't think there are 4 co-pilots....but what do I know!!!!

    1. And, for that matter, what do you care? The bigger the crew, the better. Isn't that what you always say Kaaren?
