Friday, September 13, 2013

Tonight? I Don't Think So Sissy!


  1. Dear LeeAnne,
    occasionally I drop in to see your blog and I am always rewarded with the most outstanding pics and gifs. How on earth are you coming up with these? Really amazing and most of them very erotic. My clittie stir in her panties every time. Congrats!

    hugs and kisses, Greta

    1. Dear Greta,

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I don't know where all of the sissy stuff swirling around in my brain comes from. I'm just glad that it's there and that lovely people such as you enjoy them. That's a lot of what keeps me active.

      Kiss kiss,


  2. I think it's like a conditioned response but as soon as I see the key it's all I can think of!
