Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm Afraid

I've been beating around the bush.  I started this blog because I want to share my deepest thoughts and feelings about who I am.  A sissy.  I know I am.  But, saying so isn't what this is really about for me.  I want to describe how I got here.  I want to let others know the stages I've been through to reach this moment.  The problem is, as I think about my life, and the things I've done - the things I've felt - the lies I've told - still tell - I realize that there is a lot of pain that I don't know if I can face.  But I'm going to get there.  I am.  I hope my reticence doesn't prevent others from checking in to follow where I go with my story.
See the pain in the sissy's face?  She is torn to accept herself. 


  1. Yes, it's quite a road! The early stolen panties... fun with girlfriends...getting caught by the wife, finally. Now she knows...well, most things.

  2. It's a real challenge for girls like us...until we admit it all...until we find the Goddess to rule us.

    But then?

    The trip is beyond erotic, beyond frightening, and ultimately (I hope!) divine.

    1. Dear Chrissie,

      I think you are 100% correct! Thanks for commenting!


