Thursday, January 9, 2014

3,000,000 Page Views! Woo Hoo! Happy Sissy!

"My First Post" went up on May 12, 2012.  Since then, my sissy blog has received over 3,000,000 page views.  I am ecstatic at the reception my sissy musings has drawn and love all of my Sissy Lovers who follow my blog.  I never imagined this kind of reception and thank everyone who visits regularly to see and read my sissy musings.  If I could, I would do this (one or the other - you choose) for everyone who has contributed to my blog:


  1. You deserve many congratulations...and a big hug!!!!


    sissy terri

  2. Congratulations from one Happy Sissy to another!

    1. Cute Jackie. Very cute. Thank you sweet girl.

      Kiss kiss,


  3. Hi Leanne, Many congratulations.
    So love reading your development and empathising with you totally. Wish I had understanding wife like you.
    Love and hugs
    Tanya (UK) xxxxxxxx

    1. Dear Tanya,

      Thank you so much! I am so happy to hear that you enjoy my blog. I wish your wife was more open to the benefits of having a sweet sissy husband. Sometimes it takes time though, as was my case. Best wishes.



    2. Hi Leanne,
      Thankyou so much for replying. Alas I don't think my wife would be as accepting as your gorgeous cheerleader.
      I'd happily go down a similar route to you.
      Maybe in the future......

      Love Tanya xxxxx

  4. Sweet Leeanne, congratulations on achieving this milestone! You remain my idol and my inspiration and I would kneel down for you anytime!
    Thank you so much for your help, support, guidance and for filling my dreams!
    Love and kisses and kisses and kisses!

    1. Dear Kaaren,

      I am touched that you view me in such a manner. Thank you sweet girl. And your blogs are so awesome! Love, love, love them! We could mutually kneel before each other I assume?

      Big sissy kiss!


    2. Well there you I have to go change my panties! You fill my head with naughty ideas...

      Sweet deep sissy kisses

  5. Congratulations on the mile stone Leeanne! It's no wonder that you've garnered such an audience with your lovely and earnest posts along with your fun and sexy pic selections.

    I imagine that this is still 'the beginning' and one day we'll all look back and giggle at the thought of you ONLY having 3 million page views!

    1. Dear Caitlyn,

      Thank you so much for your kind words. As I hope you realize, any admiration that you may express for my work is returned in unmeasurable multipliers to yours, which I consider to be among the best i have ever read and seen. I thought 3 mil was pretty good. For me. To look back someday and think it was a mere step in the road would be phenomenal.

      Kiss kiss,


  6. Congrats! It took me 3 1/2 years to hit 3 million!

    Your blog is so well written and personable to even those that aren't even that close to the lifestyle, I think everyone can learn something from you!

    1. Indeed Dee... I think everybody should read this blog from beginning to end no matter where on the feminine/masculine scale they sit. Even a person who isn't a sissy (or would like to be a sissy, or interested in sissy's) could learn what Leeanne so easily teaches;

      Know what you are. Accept what you are. Be what you are. Love what you are.

      I know that I can still learn from Leeanne's example!

    2. Dear Dee,

      Learning from each other is a good thing. I know I have learned a lot from you and other captioners, such as Caitlyn, although I admit that I have failed miserably in my personal efforts to create the kind of art that each of you provide to us for our enlightenment. Thanks for letting me into your world last Christmas - it was a very special gift to me.

      Hugs and kisses,


  7. Leeanne,

    WOW, that is amazing! I wish I were where you are because it would be an honor, pleasure and a gift I would like to give you. I would do both of these things for you and your Superior half.

    It would be my gift to both of you for the fine work you’ve done, the wonderful fantasies you’ve created and the inspiration you’ve provided that tells me there is hope for all of us to find love and sexual fulfillment.

    Thank you and keep up the great work!


  8. Replies
    1. Well, I may not be the best. But I very happy so many people seem to enjoy my blog.

      Thank you Sissy.



  9. Openning or expanding the thoughts, ideas, and possible beheavior of 3 million viewers is simply awsome. While some of us have enjoyed the benefits of our sissy or FLM/FLR lifestyle, your posts clearly have reenforced our election, but more importantly, openned the eyes and imagination of many many others. Helping others replicate our elections is something we should all do, as you do so well. Your posts are not "in your face" recruitment efforts, but are beautiful and simple examples of the potential and benefits of being a subserviant, loving sissy. A big hug and wishes for continued efforts and success. As for the answer to your question, if you obtained permission then you could serve Mistress Barbara and i appropriately as pictured above. Keep up your great posts.

    Mistress Barbara
    sissy maid k

    1. Dear Mistress Barbara and sissy maid k,

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I always love reading your comments to my blog and appreciate more than I can express that you interact with me on my blog. I have never thought of anything I post as special or extraordinary. I simply post what I feel and what makes me feel, well, sissy. That it may have struck a chord with you, and others, is more than I ever hoped for. So thank you for sharing your views.

      Big sissy hugs and kisses back at you!!


  10. Leeanne, you have reached a milestone that few blogs ever reach. That proves how vital and necessary your blog is. I know it is one of the best place to go and see interesting posts... always


    1. Dear Miss Sharon,

      Thank you so much for your comment. You know how infatuated I am with you - your beauty, wisdom, strength, and control over your life. i am so overjoyed that I am able to count you among those who enjoy visiting to read about my silly sissy musings.

      Kiss kiss,

