was up early this morning because I was fretting about being behind on my
posts. Quarterback was being nice about
it, but I could tell he wasn't pleased that I let a day get away from me. I finally fell back to sleep though, until I
was awakened by Mercedes with a message.
"Senor Tom wants you in his bedroom Sissy. Now."
As I awoke, I could hear sounds from cheerleader and quarterback's
bedroom, especially from my cheerleader.
I knew what they were doing.
"Are you sure? Now?" I
asked. Mercedes smiled. "Yes Sissy. Now."
the pink babydoll I wore to bed, I went to their room door and softly knocked,
to be sure quarterback really wanted me to enter. In a gruff grunting voice, quarterback said,
"Come in!" As I swung the door
open I was treated to a vision of my cheerleader on her hands and knees,
quarterback behind her literally plowing her pussy, her full breasts hanging
beneath her and swaying back and forth from the repeated pounding she was
receiving. She was panting and moaning
as her quarterback fucked her viciously, but in a way she was clearly
enjoying. Quarterback didn't say
anything to me. He just looked at me
with an expression that seemed to say, 'I own your wife Sissy!' And, in that moment, he did, and I knew it, but
also was okay with it. I loved seeing my
cheerleader experiencing such pleasure.
I loved seeing her fulfilled and happy.
It just does something for me.
stood watching, not knowing what else to do.
My cheerleader must have sensed her quarterback was about to cum and she
began encouraging him, all while looking directly at me. "Yes!
Yes! Yes! Fuck me!
Fuck me harder! Cum in me! Oh fuck!
Yes! Yes! Yes!"
And with her last utterance, she collapsed beneath her quarterback, who
remained inside of her as he continued to empty his balls. Both of them were out of breath. Me? My
clitty was straining against its chastity cage.
Then quarterback spoke.
"Come here Sissy." I
walked to the bed. As I did, he withdrew
his spent cum-coated cock out of my cheerleader. As he pulled out a thick load of his sperm
began oozing out of her. He told me to
come clean his cock off, and so I crawled onto the bed and took his soft, but
still plump, cock in mouth and sucked him clean. Then quarterback said, "Clean your wife
Sissy," as he fell back on the bed, pulling her over to his side and onto
her back. She let her legs fall open to
give me access and made eye contact with me as I positioned myself between her
thighs to begin sucking quarterback's sperm out of her pussy.
I finished, quarterback told me to stand by the bed, still in my babydoll and
feeling very naked and exposed in front of him and my cheerleader, but also
feeling a bit uncomfortable as my cheerleader lay naked in her quarterback's
strong arms. He said he wanted to talk
to us, to see how we were doing. He
wanted to know if we were enjoying the trip and how things had gone so far. My cheerleader spoke first. "You know I've enjoyed our time
together." She reached over and
stroked his cock. "You know I can
never get enough of this."
Quarterback laughed. "Yes
babe. I know that." Then, to me, he asked, "How about you
Sissy? Are you okay?" I looked at my cheerleader, to gauge her
response, and then quietly said, "Yes.
This has been good. Thank
you." Quarterback looked at us and
then said, "Good. Because something
is going to happen today, and for the next few days of our trip that I haven't
mentioned before, and I want to give you advanced notice so you can prepare
yourselves." Cheerleader
immediately asked, "And what is that?" Quarterback replied, "Before I tell you,
I just want to emphasize how careful I have been to protect both of you. I only wanted to make this a memorable trip
where each of us can see what our limits are." Cheerleader interrupted him. "Stop!
Tell me! You're worrying me
now." He brushed her face and
leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.
"There is no need to worry.
I promise everything is going to be fine. But I need to know the two of you are going
to be okay. Here it is. We're having company today. An old friend of ours is coming to stay the
last two days of our trip. And he's
bringing his girlfriend." Hearing
this made my stomach flip. My
cheerleader asked, "Who?"
Quarterback hesitated, and then said, "Derek Mitchell." The name sounded familiar to me. But my cheerleader knew right away. "Derek?
Who played linebacker on our high school football team?" Quarterback said, "Yes. The same." Cheerleader looked at him and asked,
"But why? Why bring other people
into this?" Quarterback shrugged,
"Because I think it might be fun, and figured this was a better way to
involve him and his girlfriend, than back home." My cheerleader was quiet. "So, what are you expecting?" Then quarterback said, "Actually? Nothing.
I expect nothing. We could just
have a good time with another couple.
Or, whatever. Either way, they
will never reveal what happens. I am
100% sure of that. But it is up to you
and Sissy what else may happen. It's
completely up to you." My
cheerleader was quiet, still stroking quarterback's cock. She asked me, "What do you think
baby? Will you be okay?" Still not placing Derek, even though his name
was familiar, I said, "I'll do whatever you want me to do. You decide.
Please." Cheerleader thought
a minute or two and then said, "Well, they're coming no matter what,
right?" Quarterback nodded,
"Yes. They are. They'll be here by lunchtime." Cheerleader said, "Then I suppose we'll
just have to see how things go. Won't
we?" Quarterback smiled and then
said, "I think it will be great.
You'll see." Then to me, he
said, "Mercedes is waiting for you Sissy.
She'll help you get ready for our company." Dismissed, I went to my room to find Mercedes
waiting for me as quarterback had said.
are you ready?" She asked, as if she already knew what was going to
happen. "I suppose so," I told
her. "What shall I do?" "First thing, go shower and shave all
over. You need to be nice and smooth and
pretty. I'll have your outfit waiting
for you." When I returned from my
shower and shaving, I received my first clue about how Day Five would be spent
by me. Lying on the bed was a short,
pink satin maid's uniform, complete with full white petticoats. I stopped as I entered the room and asked,
"Mercedes? Do you know what is
going on?" She smiled her sweet
smile. "Yes Sissy. Today you will serve Senor Tom, Senora Susan,
and their guests, as their sissy maid. I
know you are familiar with this.
Yes?" Mercedes had
obviously been thoroughly briefed about me in advance. What didn't she know about me? "Yes.
I am familiar." "Good
then. Let me help you." She picked up a black lace garter belt from
the bed and fastened it around my waist.
She then had me sit while she pulled a pair of black fishnet stockings
up my legs and fastened them. The
stockings only came to mid-thigh, which made the straps extend far down my
legs. She then held up the petticoats
and had me step in. They were very short
and flared out quite wide, leaving my chastity-caged clitty easily visible
beneath the hemline. She then helped me
into a pink full cup bullet bra, and stuffed my large breast forms inside,
resulting in a very prominent display of my breasts, as bullet bras are
designed to do. She helped me into the
short pink maid's dress, the top of which was snug and form fitting around my
bullet bra. The result was a very sexy
and, under the circumstances, embarrassing presentation of me to our guests as
a first impression. She kneeled and
helped me step into my pink high heels, and then fastened my collar that said,
"Sissy," around my neck. She
took me to the makeup table and began painting up my face in a very pretty way,
before putting my wig on me. Finally, as
a sort of coup de grace, she fixed a headband with a lace bow on top, onto my
head. I was, to put it mildly, dressed
as sissy as possible to meet quarterback and cheerleader's high school friend
and his girlfriend.
went out to the main room and found cheerleader and quarterback on the
veranda. They were each wearing bathing
suits, and my cheerleader's was especially flattering to her figure, and did
nothing to diminish her full breasts.
Understanding my role, I approached and did a full curtsy for them. "May I do anything for you?" I
asked in a soft voice. Quarterback
smiled. "That's perfect Sissy. Perfect!" "Thank you sir?" I replied. He told me to go help Mercedes and Maria in
the kitchen. We were going to serve
lunch to our guests on the veranda when they arrived. He told me that I was to greet them at the
door. I did as I was told and as I
walked away I heard him say to my cheerleader, "Derek is going to love

wasn't long before I heard the Landcruiser pull into the driveway and then the
doorbell rang. I was beyond
nervous. I was about to meet a man who
was a classmate of my cheerleader in high school. I had no doubt that, if he didn't already
know about me, and I suspected he did, that I would be introduced properly
before long. The moment I opened the
door it hit me. Derek Mitchell! He wasn't just the linebacker on our high
school team. He was one of the best
players on the team. He played in
college too. And he was still
built. He was a big, muscular, black
man. And with him was a drop dead
gorgeous blonde with very large breasts.
Standing behind them was the driver, who had their luggage. I was, admittedly, struck dumb when I saw who
our guests were. They stood at the
doorway taking me in as well. Gathering
my wits, I curtsied and said, "Welcome. Won't you please come in? I'll show you to Senor Tom and Senora
Susan." They greeted me and I could
sense that Derek's girlfriend was enjoying the moment. Like I said, I couldn't have looked sissier,
and most of my movements caused my petticoats to reveal my chastity-caged
clitty, over which, I believe I forgot to mention, I wore no panties.

was hyper-conscious of the swishing sound my petticoats made as I led them out
to the veranda. I heard Derek's
girlfriend whisper, "Oh fuck! She's
adorable!" As I approached them
quarterback and cheerleader came to greet Derek and his girlfriend. Derek introduced her as Samantha, and
quarterback introduced my cheerleader as her real name, although I'm going to
use Susan in this post. Derek knew her
already, so there was no point in pretending.
They hugged and had some small talk about their trip. Quarterback asked if they were hungry or
wanted to freshen up after their flight.
Samantha said she'd love to freshen up and she wanted to change into a
swimsuit too. I wasn't sure which room
they were going to stay in, so I looked to Mercedes for direction. She walked with me and showed me that they
were going to be in the bedroom on the other side of me. As I left them I asked, "May I get
either of you a drink?" Derek said,
"Yeah. How about some
champagne? Y'all got any of
that?" I curtsied and said,
"Yes sir. We have pretty much
anything you want." Samantha
giggled. "I like the sound of
left them to change and went to the kitchen to help with lunch and to get them
champagne. I was setting up an ice
bucket with their champagne when they rejoined quarterback and my cheerleader
on the veranda. Derek was wearing light
colored swim trunks that he filled out nicely, and a tight fitting black tank
top. Samantha had put on a very sexy and
revealing bikini that left virtually nothing to the imagination. She was gorgeous and flat out built. I filled four flutes with champagne and
served each of them. Quarterback toasted
them with his trip slogan, "What happens in Mexico, stays in
Mexico." Everyone agreed and they
clinked glasses before downing them quickly, which I promptly refilled. Then quarterback said, "So, I don' know
if you've been formally introduced yet, but," referring to me, "this
is Leeanne, our sissy maid. Actually,
she's Susan's husband. But I think you
get what I mean. She'll take care of any
of your needs." Derek and Samantha
looked me up and down. "Man!"
Derek exclaimed. "She's something
else man! Nice to meet you Leeanne. Or can I call you Sissy?" I blushed in embarrassment. "However you wish to address me
sir." He actually kind of leered at
me. "Good then. Sissy.
Nice to meet you."
Quarterback interjected, "Are you guys hungry?" Samantha said, "Fucking famished!"
And laughed. I got the distinct
impression that Samantha might be a party girl.
"Sissy," quarterback said, "Please attend to lunch. We'll eat right over there," he said
pointing to a table by the pool that looked over the ocean. As I walked away I heard Samantha ask,
"Do I get to play with her?"
Derek replied, "Be nice now.
We just got here." But
quarterback said, "Sissy will do as she is told." Samantha repeated her earlier
exclamation. "I like the sound of
returned with lunch and served them.
They seemed to be enjoying each other's company and were definitely
treating me as the servant, which actually made me feel more comfortable and
useful. After all, everything was out in
the open at this point. There was
nothing for me to hide. I decided the
best thing to do was to tackle my role as their sissy maid with fervor. Whenever I came around the table though, I
couldn't hep but notice that Samantha was looking at my chastity-caged clitty. As I was refilling their water glasses
Samantha asked my cheerleader, "So, Susan?
If I may ask, how long have you locked your sissy in chastity? She is so adorable in her little
cage." I know I turned beet red in
that moment as she talked about me almost as if I wasn't there. Cheerleader, not seeming put off by the
question, replied, "Oh my! It's
been so long now I almost can't remember when she wasn't in chastity. It isn't as if I need her to be released, if
you know what I mean." I was
stunned to hear my cheerleader talk like that about me, even if true. "I've heard it makes them more
compliant," Samantha went on.
"Is that true?" My
cheerleader looked at me as I stood by the table awaiting requests for
assistance. "You know Samantha, I
suppose. But really, she has always been
sweet and attentive to my needs, even before I knew she was a sissy and I
accepted her as she is." Then,
Samantha leaned across the table, and whispered in a conspiratorial tone,
although I could hear her, "Do you mind?
May I touch it? You know, her
thingy?" I was about to freak
out. This was more than I'd primed
myself for. I looked at my cheerleader,
who smiled up at me as she spoke.
"I don't call it a 'thingy.'
I call it a clitty. And yes, you
may touch it. Sissy? Would you come over here?" She directed
me. Oh fuck! My cheerleader seemed to be all in. Obediently, I walked over to Samantha and
stood by her. She grinned up at me as
she only slightly lifted my petticoats, exposing my caged clitty for everyone
to inspect. And believe me, all eyes
were on me, even Mercedes and Maria from across the room. Then she reached under my skirt and touched
me, softly, delicately, and tenderly.
"Oh my! She's so soft and
smooth. I love that you shave her
too! So cute! Isn't she adorable Derek?" Derek laughed. "Yeah.
She's adorable alright. Man! This is a trip!" I felt so humiliated and embarrassed as I
stood there being fondled and inspected by this beautiful and luscious blonde,
but the truth? I was loving every second
of it. I felt safe. And I knew that I may never have another
opportunity like this again. I decided
then that I was going to do whatever anyone wanted for the rest of the
trip. When Samantha seemed to have
satisfied her curiosity, she removed her hand and I did what any
self-respecting sissy maid would do. I
did a deep curtsy for her and said, "Thank you ma'am." Samantha about went ballistic at that. "Oh fuck! So fucking cute! I love her Susan! Love her!" Cheerleader smiled, almost proudly? "Yes.
She is quite the adorable one."
Quarterback then jumped in, "Sissy.
Please clear the dishes and go clean up.
Leave us for a while to relax.
We'll let you know if we need anything."

left them and went to the kitchen to help clean up. Mercedes and Maria already had things under
control. Mercedes told me to relax while
they finished up. I could feel she'd
seen what had just happened and felt sorry for me. Little did she know how much what Samantha
had done turned me on. Little did she
know how much I was fantasizing about tasting her pussy. Suddenly I heard a loud splash. I looked toward the pool and sure enough, as
I had immediately suspected, Samantha was in the pool. She shouted to my cheerleader, "Come on
in Susan! It feels great." They were all having fun with each
other. I saw quarterback nudge my
cheerleader, encouraging her to jump in too.
She seemed reluctant, but she stood up and then ran and jumped in,
causing a big splash as Samantha and she both began laughing together in the
pool. My cheerleader began trying to
coax her quarterback to jump in and within seconds, he and Derek were in the
pool with their women, the women draping themselves all over the men. Quarterback looked over toward me in the
villa and called out, "Hey Sissy!
Bring us some beer!"
Mercedes helped me load up a tray with four cold beers and I carried
them out to the side of the pool. When I
arrived, the four of them were horse playing together in the pool, the
screeching sounds of the women loudest of all.
For the moment, I was ignored as I stood by with their beers, and wasn't
sure what to do, so I just stood there watching them. Samantha was all over Derek, and was suddenly
kissing him as she wrapped her white legs around his dark body. She was definitely a party girl. Then, in a quick motion, she had untied her
bikini top and let it go and suddenly it was floating on top of the water and
her full breasts were exposed for everyone to see as she pressed them against
Derek and kissed him in a full and long kiss.
When she stopped kissing him, she yelled at my cheerleader, "Come
on Susan! What are you waiting for? Lose the fucking top!" In a blink my cheerleader made her decision. What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico. She untied her top and tossed it over to the
side of the pool by my feet. I was, in
short order, a spectator to my cheerleader and Samantha throwing themselves,,
half naked, at their men. She then dove
at her quarterback and grabbed him around his neck, taking him into a full
embrace and began kissing him too.
Samantha was definitely leading the charge in creating the play time in
the pool, but my cheerleader very quickly got into the swing of things as
well. Samantha climbed up onto Derek's
shoulders and challenged my cheerleader and her quarterback to a game of
chicken. Before I knew it, my
cheerleader was on her quarterback's shoulders and the four of them began
sparring with each other in the shallow end of the pool, both women's bare
breasts swinging freely and and on full display. It was, without a doubt, a very erotic
display. As the two women grabbed at
each other, both naked, I sensed that Samantha was up to something. After a few minutes of grabbing and touching
each other as each tried to knock the other off of their respective man's
shoulders, Samantha grabbed my cheerleader around her neck and pulled her and
quarterback right up to her and Derek.
The next thing I knew, Samantha was kissing my cheerleader and my
cheerleader wasn't resisting. No, to the
contrary, she was kissing back, all while quarterback and Derek watched and
seemed to be in no mood to stop them.

warning, but as if choreographed, Derek and quarterback tilted into the pool,
dislodging their women from their shoulders.
Instead of letting go of my cheerleader, though, Samantha went at her
even more ferociously, kissing her deeply, wrapping her legs around my
cheerleader, their plump breasts pressing against each other. I was confident that my cheerleader had never
been with a woman before, although I was equally certain that Samantha had
been. She knew what she was doing. They broke their kiss long enough for
Samantha to laugh out loud and then she broke away and swam over by the steps. My cheerleader, now into the game, gave
chase. Samantha wasn't really trying to
get away though. I think she was only
trying to lure my cheerleader to a shallower part of the pool. Just as my cheerleader caught her, Samantha
quickly turned and grabbed around my cheerleader's neck again, pulling her
closer and locking onto her mouth again.
In a deft move that must have been done many times before, Samantha had
removed her bikini bottoms and reached down to untie my cheerleader's, who
offered no resistance. Now both of them
were naked in the pool. Samantha began
edging my cheerleader toward the top step of the pool and soon had her sitting
there, with Samantha between her thighs, and the next thing I knew my
cheerleader's legs were draped over Samantha's shoulders and Samantha had her
mouth locked onto my cheerleader's pussy, who was screeching her obvious
pleasure to have a woman eating her pussy.
Now that she had my cheerleader in the position she was in, Samantha did
not show any signs of letting her escape, not that my cheerleader showed any
designs to attempt to do so. Soon my
cheerleader was letting loose with an uncontrolled orgasm as Samantha was
devouring her pussy. When she was
finished, my cheerleader was looking at Samantha like, 'What have you
done?' She pulled Samantha up to her and
began kissing her deeply as a show of appreciation. By then, quarterback and Derek had come over
to where I was standing by watching to retrieve their beers. When the women were through, they came over
too and took their beers from me. My
cheerleader looked at me like, 'Did you like that?' I just curtsied and asked if they needed
anything else. Samantha looked at my
cheerleader and asked, "What about her?
Can she lick a pussy?" My
cheerleader laughed. "Can
she?! It's what she's best
at." "Oh really!"
Samantha cried. "Then yes Sissy,
there is something I need." She
pulled herself up from the pool and walked over to one of the chaise lounges
and laid back on it. "Come
Sissy. Show me what you got!" I looked at my cheerleader, who nodded. "Go on Sissy. Take good care of her." And so, as everyone watched me, I got onto my
knees and had my earlier wish fulfilled.
I did her as good as I've ever done anyone and when I finished, she
exclaimed. "Oh fuck me! I need a Sissy!" Everyone laughed as I smiled that she was so

rest of the afternoon was relatively quiet, with the four of them hanging by
the pool. I had to bring beers to the
guys a few more times, and the naked women were all over their men. Then, they went to their rooms to shower to
dress for dinner. The first person to
come out for dinner was quarterback. He
came into the kitchen and walked up to me.
“How are you Sissy?” I curtsied
and replied, “I’m fine sir. May I get
you a drink?” He smiled. “You are doing so well Sissy. Yes.
You may. And Sissy?” I paused and answered, “Yes sir?” “Thank you.”
I wasn’t certain why he was thanking me, but replied, “You’re welcome
sir.” I curtsied and then went to make
his drink. Soon after my cheerleader
came out. She looked hot! She was wearing a very short and tight fitting
lycra red dress, cut very low in front, with black heels. She looked stunning. She walked into the kitchen, came up behind
me and kissed me on my neck. “Hi baby,”
she whispered. “How do I look?” I smiled.
“Totally hot!” She sighed. “That’s the idea. I want my man’s cock hard all night.” I poured her a glass of white wine and she
went out on the veranda to join her quarterback. When she reached him she snuggled up behind
him and he pulled her to him and gave her a long passionate kiss as his hands
fondled her tight ass possessively. A
few minutes later Samantha and Derek came out together. Samantha was wearing an ultra short white
skirt and a sheer black blouse through which a white lace bra was visible. Her boobs were virtually exploding out of the
top of her bra. I approached them, curtsied,
and then asked if they would like a drink.
After taking their orders they joined my cheerleader and quarterback on
the veranda. When I delivered their
drinks to them, quarterback and Derek had moved to the edge of the veranda and
were talking as they looked out at the ocean.
Cheerleader and Samantha were chatting together. I took Derek’s drink to him and then
approached the two women. When I walked
up to give Samantha her wine, she put her hand up, signaling for me to wait. She reached up to brush a stray strand of
hair out of my cheerleader’s eye, a very intimate act as it unfolded. Then, in that same instant, she leaned in and
kissed my cheerleader on her mouth.
While I stood by holding her wine, Samantha said to my cheerleader, “Do
you know that you have the sweetest cunt I’ve ever tasted?” My cheerleader actually blushed. “No,” she answered with a nervous laugh. “I didn’t know that.” As she gazed into my cheerleader’s eyes,
Samantha reached under my cheerleader’s dress and I could tell she was
fingering my cheerleader’s pussy. “Oh
my!” she exclaimed. “What have we
here? Are you wet Susan?” My cheerleader sighed and said, “Maybe.” Samantha withdrew her fingers and tasted
them. “Mmmm. Such a sweet cunt.” She stuck her fingers in my cheerleader’s
mouth and asked, “Don’t you think?” My
cheerleader was enthralled at her new friend.
Samantha placed her hand back under my cheerleader’s dress and this time
I could tell that she was fingering my cheerleader intently, interspersed with
soft wet kisses on her mouth. “Have you
ever tasted another woman’s cunt Susan?” she asked. “I don’t think you have.” My cheerleader shook her head and, in a
barely audible voice, said, “No. I
haven’t.” Samantha gave her a sly
grin. “Want to?” Still responding to being fingered by
Samantha, my cheerleader answered, “I think so.” Samantha removed her hand from under my
cheerleader’s dress, put it in my cheerleader’s mouth and let her suck it. When she removed her fingers from my
cheerleader’s mouth, she placed her hands on my cheerleader’s shoulders and
gently, but firmly, pushed downward as she said, “There’s no time like the
present.” The recognition in my
cheerleader’s eyes at what Samantha was suggesting only lasted a moment as she
allowed herself to be pushed down to her knees in front of Samantha. Samantha pulled her skirt up revealing a
matching pair of white lace panties, which she pulled to the side and then
pulled my cheerleader’s mouth toward her.
As for me, I was mesmerized at what I was witnessing. “Do you smell how aroused you have made me
Susan? That’s all because of you. Go on.
Taste me. Take your time. It’s yours.”
With one hand behind my cheerleader’s head, Samantha gently guided her
mouth closer to her pussy and sighed as my cheerleader began to lick and then
kiss her wet, smoothly shaved pussy. She
slowly searched her way around Samantha’s pussy as she seemed to enjoy the
response to her oral pleasuring.
Samantha moaned, “Oh yes!
Susan! Yes! Suck my cunt baby! Go on!
Suck it hard! I’m going to cum in
your mouth. It’s coming! It’s coming!”
She grabbed my cheerleader by the back of her head and pulled her firmly
against her pussy and began bucking into my cheerleader’s face. As for my cheerleader, she was groaning and
moaning as she sucked Samantha harder and harder. “Oh fuck!” Samantha cried out. “That was so fucking good Susan! So good!”
She then helped my cheerleader stand up and kissed her hard on her
mouth. Then, in an understated casual
manner, she reached over and took her glass from me. “Thank you Sissy.” I was left standing there, in an awkward
moment, as the two women continued to kiss each other after my cheerleader’s
first time ever eating out another woman.
Finally, my cheerleader said to me, “You can go now Sissy. Leave us alone for a few.” I curtsied and said, “Yes ma’am,” and turned
to walk back to the kitchen. As I walked
away I heard Samantha say, “I need to take you to bed and fuck you Susan. Soon.”
My cheerleader didn’t hesitate.
“I think I’d like that.”
a while I served them dinner and stood by to bring wine and anything else they
wanted. By this time my feet were sore
from walking in my high heels all day.
It really had been a long day of work for me. I continued to serve them until it was late
and they all retired to their rooms on either side of mine. The last thing I will recount about Day Five
is what I heard from my new neighbors.
After they went to bed, the never sexually satisfied Samantha went after
Derek. And he must have been
something. She was crying out his name,
encouraging him to fuck her harder and telling him how much she loved his big
cock. I wondered whether my cheerleader
and her quarterback could hear them in their room separated by mine. In any event, the day had been pretty
amazing, all in all, and I wondered what quarterback had in store for me and my
cheerleader the next day.